Profile of Bankrupts, Types of Petitioners and Multi-time Bankruptcy

Annual Statistics on Profile of Bankrupts and Types of Petitioners (Jan 2017 – Dec 2017)

Profile of Bankrupts

Age of bankrupts Percentage
30 or below 15.46%
Above 30 – 40 23.80%
Above 40 – 50 25.94%
Above 50 34.80%
Total 100.00%

Monthly income of bankrupts Percentage
$0 39.17%
Above $0 - $10,000 16.77%
Above $10,000 - $15,000 20.51%
Above $15,000 - $20,000 14.51%
Above $20,000 - $25,000 5.05%
Above $25,000 3.99%
Total 100.00%

Liabilities level of bankrupts Percentage
$200,000 or below 21.50%
Above $200,000 - $400,000 36.80%
Above $400,000 - $600,000 17.87%
Above $600,000 - $800,000 9.15%
Above $800,000 - $1,000,000 4.39%
Above $1,000,000 - $2,000,000 6.36%
Above $2,000,000 - $6,000,000 2.82%
Above $6,000,000 1.11%
Total 100.00%

Residence type of bankrupts Percentage
Public housing 53.07%
Private apartment (mortgaged/charged) 1.04%
Private apartment (others1) 45.89%
Total 100.00%

1 Mainly include property of which the bankrupt is not the owner/co-owner

Cause of failure of bankrupts Percentage
High operating costs 0.08%
High staff costs -
High rental 0.04%
High interest rates 0.24%
Cash flow problem - insufficient capital 0.61%
Cash flow problem - lender withdrew support -
Cash flow problem - excessive bad debts 0.12%
Goods/services no longer or not competitive -
Goods rejected -
Decline in business 2.12%
Poor management 3.70%
Improper management 0.34%
Fraud 0.25%
Argument amongst directors/shareholders 0.05%
Excessive use of credit facilities 8.34%
Overspending 31.15%
Lack of gainful employment 38.18%
Personal guarantee liabilities 1.22%
Gambling 7.26%
Speculation in shares etc. 0.23%
Loss in investment 1.47%
Others 4.60%
Total 100.00%

Types of Petitioners

Petitioner type Percentage
Director of Legal Aid 0.22%
Trade creditors 0.01%
Bank or financial institution 3.73%
Landlord -
Shareholders -
Debtor's self-petition 91.90%
Others 4.14%
Total 100.00%

Note: Statistics are based on the information collected as at 8 Jan 2018 from the bankrupts or relevant parties (such as creditors) in bankruptcy cases with bankruptcy orders made or petitions received during the year.